The aim of Nacel English School London is to ensure all students study in a safe and secure learning environment, in particular those under 18 years of age and vulnerable adults.
Nacel English School London recognizes its duty of care to all its students and meets its child protection responsibilities through safe recruitment, regular staff training, a clear code of conduct and appropriate communication.
The school has two Designated Safeguarding Officers/Welfare Officers who meet and greet new students who are under 18 on their arrival at Nacel. Should any problems, queries, needs or concerns relating to their welfare arise, they are their first port of call.
All students are provided with an emergency phone number, therefore students can contact a member of staff outside of school hours should a problem or concern arise.
We provide all under-18 students with a student guide, in addition to the student handbook, which provides information and advice on how to stay safe when surfing the internet and using social media.
Please consult our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy for more details.
The minimum age for students coming to the school travelling individually is 16 years old but we also welcome supervised groups of children aged 12 to 15. Such groups are not in classes with other students of the school. They attend separate English classes and have their program of activities and visits.
Learn more about our London Group programs.
Younger children travelling with a parent or their legal guardian can also study at our school taking private one-to-one English lessons with us in London. Of course, parents can also attend our regular English courses at our school.
Our courses are designed to maximise each participant’s potential and skills. They are adapted to students’ capacities and objectives. Our teachers do their best to turn students’ stay into a rewarding learning experience.
Students under 16 are taught in closed groups and do not study with students aged 18+. We use teaching materials and teaching techniques most suited for their age group.
At the school, particular attention is paid to the welfare of underaged students and teachers are informed of all students under 18 at the school. On the registers, different age groups are identified in different colour groups.
We always check if a social activity offered by the school is suitable for an underage student.
There are British laws (e.g. related to smoking and drinking alcohol) that apply to people aged under 18. As a consequence, there may be some leisure activities which some students cannot take part in because of their age.
The minimum supervision ratio for any social activity involving students under 18 is one member of staff to every 15 students. Nacel English School London reviews this ratio depending on the nature of the activity.
For all social programme activities and class excursions, leaders/teachers have a list of names of all students in their group and mobile phone numbers (where possible) especially those under 18. Students under 16 are not to be left alone when on school excursions or activities in public places. It is the responsibility of the social activities organiser to ensure that all under-16s return safely to the school.
Students under 16 are not supervised 24 hours a day as they often travel to school by themselves or with children in the same group. The students are given details on how to come to school and the host family also shows students the way to come to school. Host families are local and easily accessible.
However, the group leader and school will always be available via an emergency contact number. In addition, the students will always be supervised by a responsible adult during school hours, overnight and usually during the day when not at school.
Students aged 12 to 15 are not permitted to leave the school premises during lessons. Exceptions may be made for students to leave the premises during break and lunch hours but permission must be given by the school. Students aged 16+ may leave the school during the day.
All students under 16 must return to their host families immediately once lessons or activities have finished. If the student is later than the agreed time the host family will contact the school emergency number.
Students between 16-17 years of age must return home:
- by 10 pm Sunday to Thursday
- and 11 pm on Friday and Saturday.
On arrival in the UK, students normally arrive at one of London’s four largest airports: Heathrow, Gatwick, Stansted or Luton.
We are very happy to arrange an airport transfer from the UK airport directly to their accommodation. Our driver will meet them at the Arrivals Lounge and will be holding a sign that reads their name. The nearest airport to the school is London Heathrow.
To request this service, simply apply for an airport transfer when completing the enrolment form.
Students under the age of 16 normally travel in groups and accompanied by a group leader. These groups normally come on a tailor-made package that includes return airport transfers. Our member(s) of staff will welcome the students to London, give students a welcome pack (which includes the details of a 24-hour emergency number) and introduce them to their respective host families.
We strongly advise students aged 16 and 17 travelling alone to book airport transfers, to avoid any problems upon arrival. If, however, a student does not book airport transfers, we ask the parent/guardian to notify us of the alternative arrangements.
The company that we use for our airport transfers has provided us with a list of registered drivers that all hold DBS checks, and minicab licenses. Only these drivers conduct our airport transfers. We are notified once the student is picked up at the airport and once the student has been taken to the host family’s house.
We also arrange a pickup and transfer service from the train station Eurostar St. Pancras.
No. Students aged 12 to 15 have to come accompanied by a guardian or parent or group leader. The Parent / Legal Guardian will have to complete and sign our Parental Permission form for students aged 12+.
Students aged 16 and 17 can travel alone but, a parent or guardian will also need to provide:
- Their consent for you to travel to the UK
- Their contact details
- An address where you will be staying (if not booked through the school)
The Parent / Legal Guardian will have to complete and sign our Parental Permission form for students aged 16 – 17.
To apply for a visa, you will also need a letter proving you have been accepted to our school. For more information, you might want to contact your local embassy or visit the UK authorities’ website.
Before your departure, you might also want to check with the company you will travel with and with your national authorities if you need additional specific documents.
Yes. We monitor all students’ attendance.
We want to make sure that each student attends the classes he or she pays for. Teachers take students’ attendance daily and our administration staff monitors and keeps up-to-date attendance records. Students who fail to attend will be contacted to establish the reason and to ensure that they are safe.
At Nacel English School London classes start at 9:30 am and 1:45 pm. We ask those under 18s who are not studying in closed groups to sign in at Reception and then 10 minutes after the lesson has commenced, a member of reception staff will go to each class to monitor student absence. If a student under 18 is absent:
- staff will attempt to contact them.
- If they are unable to reach them, the student’s parents, guardians, or emergency contact will be contacted.
- If no contact is made with the student after 4 hours, the police are normally contacted. However, this may be earlier or later than 4 hours depending on the circumstances.
If a student is absent, once he or she is back attending lessons, an interview with the student is conducted to check the reason for the absence and check whether there are causes for concern. The reason for the absence is recorded on the class register.
Students under 18 years, without a guardian in the UK, must live with a host family.
At Nacel English School London, we take care to match the right students with the right homestay so that they can enjoy each other’s company and have the opportunity to experience something new and practice their English.
Students under 16 years of age do not stay in the same host family accommodation as students 18 years of age and above. Students under 16 are not allowed to be left alone overnight without a responsible adult being present.
Nacel English School requires written permission should your child wish to:
- Stay out overnight with friends.
- Arrange a holiday with friends.
- Move from supervised homestay accommodation in a way that has not been organised by the school.
Our British host families can provide half-board or full-board accommodation for students. Half-board accommodation is the most popular as students can easily buy lunch in supermarkets or cafes next to the school. Special dietary requirements are available on request. When students aged 12+ travel in a group full-board (breakfast, lunch, dinner) is often included.
Your child must respect all homestay rules, including regarding the use of TV, phone or Internet. As well as meal times and safety and security recommendations.
Our host families encourage your child to fully immerse themselves into the English way of life and make them feel more at home. Meals are to be taken with the host family. This again will help them to adapt to and learn about the British way of life and practise their English.
Hosts families follow the Government advice at all times and frequently clean and disinfect their house, including communal areas i.e. door handles, handrails, tables and chairs, surfaces, bathroom etc. Families that are identified as high-risk are not used during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Shared rooms are only used if the students are related / friends travelling together, from the same household or the same school bubble.
Host families are also provided with additional funds for antibacterial cleaning products and additional support during the coronavirus outbreak.
The UK Government is also now providing free rapid coronavirus tests that can be used by all including students. We ask our students, staff and host families to test themselves with these free rapid coronavirus tests every week for extra safety.
Students under 18 requiring medical attention will be accompanied/supervised by a responsible adult.
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